Earth Day event postponed
Due to COVID-19, the Earth Day event planned for 19-25 April 2020 has been postponed. After speaking with Toronto Public Health and the Public Health England on their advise, this is what they had to say about it.
Your event sounds like a great idea but perhaps not at this time. People are being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible. As well, parks are closed and you may receive a ticket from MLS or the Police should you be in the park (no matter how honorable your intent). I would postpone this event until the Order has been lifted or amended.
Toronto Public Health
…The Government has introduced the following measures:
1. Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes
2. Closing non-essential shops and community spaces
3. Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public
Everyone must comply with Government measures. The relevant authorities, including the police, have the powers to enforce them – including through fines and dispersing gatherings.
You should only leave the home for one of four reasons:
1. Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
2. One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
3. Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
4. Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home
Public Health England
Following this, Jayden Lycon issued an Chairmanship Order amending Act 103 (Cupertino Earth Day Initiative) to be postponed “indefinitely until a safer time arises.”
The Cupertino Alliance apologizes for any inconvenience, but the safety of the public remains the top priority.
Jayden Lycon
New Hanoi independence referendum
On the topic of Aenderia, the New Hanoi independence referendum will be hosted on 25 April 2020, opening on 12am Indochina Time and closing on 11:59pm Indochina Time on the same date. This referendum is only open to New Hanoi citizens.

This follows the Framework for the Secession of New Hanoi Act, 2020, submitted to the Legislative Council of Aenderia on 30 March 2020 by President Efton and Vice President Khang. It passed the day after.
As per Aenderian legislation, an Act to Succeed from the Fifth Aenderian Republic, which shows the future governance, as well as the framework of the government, proof of public support, and other important information must be submitted to the House for review before independence. Chau Khang, the main spokesperson for the New Hanoi independence movement, stated he will complete these.
If all goes to plan, New Hanoi will be discharged from Aenderian control at midnight on 30 April 2020. New Hanoi joined Aenderia at late 2018, got independence as the Union of Red Aenderese Republic (Xuan Phuc) due to the current political crisis, but rejoined Aenderia in February 2019.
Millania and Kayutsastan
Let’s head to Millania. On 18 April 2020, Free Commonwealth of Kayutsastan has unconstitutionally declared independence from the Union.
The National Government has been informed that the Free Commonwealth of Kayutsastan has declared indepencence from the Union. This move for independence is unconstitutional, there was no democratic process involved, and the Government will be taking swift measures to negotiate with the rebel group staging this movement. I can assure all citizens that this will be resolved swiftly and diplomatically.
Nicolás Millán
3 days ago, Tom Kap made a speech proclaiming the Conservative Kayut Republic. This news article stated
…the issues that the Kayut people were facing as well as the inactivity and how declaring Independence from Millania was the only process that would work to save our culture as well as the country. Tom did state that there for the time being be no democracy, as he said we must as a nation unite under one banner to rise again like a phoenix…
Kayut National News
The Chair produced a report during the 12th session here, in regard to the timeline of events and questions needed to be answered. Later, the Chair met with Nicolás Millán to obtain details. The Chair plans to meet with Tom Kap through Discord on a later date. Furthermore, it was discussed in the session to form a task force regarding this situation, made up from appointed delegates and ministers that are related to both parties. Such is being voted right now by the delegates.
From a message published 19 April 2020 here, the Millanian Government responded to the independence movement.
These grounds are not controlled by the National Government, and are in fact controlled only by the Legislative Council of Kayutsastan as per the Fourth Act of Union. Furthermore, during the creation of the Kayut Government, the National Government ensured the preservation of the distinct Dukian culture and Islamic religion that is integral to the realm. Thus, the reasons for the declaration are invalid because the Kayut Government acts independently of the National Government, and it is not a capability of the National Government to unilaterally increase activity. In addition, there was no democratic process involved in this movement for independence. As such, the National Government extends an offer to host bilateral negotiations between the Union as well as the Loyalist Kayut Government, and the Conservative Government. If this condition is not met, the following measures will be taken: As the Union has a far diplomatic reach, it will form large scale diplomatic and economic sanctions on the Conservative Government…The Kayut Contingent in the Imperial Army will be controlled directly by H.E. the Lady Chancellor, and any rebels who wish to rejoin the Army may do so at their leisure…And finally, all participants in the Conservative Government will have committed treason, and will be tried accordingly in a competent court of international law. If the Conservative Government so chooses, arrangements will be made to negotiate. The National Government is willing to make an agreement that is extremely valuable to the Kayut Commonwealth as a whole. If it chooses not to negotiate, severe measures can easily and will easily be taken to ensure the Conservative Government collapses.
Millanian Government, MRE Statement 002
Kayutsastan joined Millania through an bilateral treaty on 11 January 2020, and became a constituent realm of Millania two days later. They participated in the February elections in Millania with a slim Conservative victory. Before joining Millania, Kayutsastan was the Military Republic of Kayutsastan.
The Patchogue Plan
Next is the Confederation of Patchogue. Patchogue introduced their plan for the future here, which includes plans to build a small macro settlement along the banks of the Patchogue River, with plans to advertise to the local area and increase citizens that are near the area of Patchogue.
I spoke to President Sullivan on this plan.
I am excited to meet new people and introduce them to the micronational world. We hope to double our population by the end of the year.
Brennan Sullivan
This was met with unanimous praise from the delegates, who discussed the plan as requested by the delegate of the Confederation of Patchogue. Though, there was one concern regarding the question of land rights. It is unknown who owns this land, could be the City, or a private property.
I see a lot of potienal, but can I ask something. Building permits and all, does the City allow you building across the river or do you own the land? …I do not want you to go to a civil lawsuit or have all your work demo’d due to land ownership.
Jayden Lycon
It was later advised to contact the City on their views of this project. This was agreed by the other delegates.

Pondo elections
A set of elections will be happening for Ponderosa Hills on 30 April. This will be the first elections since 2017. The election will be planned for all seats in the People’s Supreme Assembly and the newly created office of President, replacing the position of Premier.
This comes after major reforms in Pondo, with the abolishment of the one party system, and hopes to create opposition within the Government.
Ponderosa Hills was formerly a bastion of authoritarianism and an enemy of democracy. After new constitutional reforms, Ponderosa Hills is now a democratic state with elections that will be held in less than 2 weeks, as part of a wider democratic movement that will bring Ponderosa Hills from a one-party, authoritarian, centralized, undemocratic disgrace claiming to be a socialist state to a multi-party, federal, libertarian, socialist republic with the people, not a party, in charge.
Leon Montan
Hausgurd independence
Fellow member Hausgurd Union of the Crowns has reached one month of establishment and thus are fully independent. Formerly, there were sponsored by Elysium, New Prussia, and Etukan, which allowed the three nations to control its military affairs, grant a seat in its legislature, appoint an administrator which will appoint all digital assets, and sign individual mutual defence and non-aggression pacts with the Union for the first month.
The Chair released a statement in the 12th session regarding this.
I do wish congratulations to fellow member Hausgurd, as they reached one month of establishment and thus is fully independent.
Jayden Lycon