Cupertino Guides – an update

TORONTO, ON – A press release was made regarding the revived Cupertino Guides project. This revival continues the pattern of various program revivals; an initiative of the Lycon administration which is focused towards the revival of programs considered practical, useful, and realistic. This initiative was started in November 2020 and considerable work is going on even after the transfer towards the Ross administration.

The mission of the Cupertino Guides project is to ensure that micronations can be assisted with challenging aspects of micronationalism including a constitution or the creation of a good article in MicroWiki, therefore ensuring even greater success in this community. We plan to achieve this through easy, accessible, and helpful guides, examples on what we would consider good, and additional resources to help you with your pathway. We plan for this program to always be free of charge, licensed CC BY-SA 4.0 (This means that you can copy this for free without our permission, just credit us!)

Considerable progress has been made towards Chapter 2 of the Guide, which aims to cover the general aspects of MicroWiki- this includes editing, proper manual of style and sectioning, etc. We also plan to open up a certificate program will users will have to accomplish various tasks ranging from assignments to real-life applications of course objectives. Some examples have been made towards What is MicroWiki in Chapter 2, which can be seen here with basic video instructions.

Regarding Chapter 1, which goes over how to create a micronation, this has gotten lesser priority. However, the Cupertino Alliance has created various basic declarations of independence and constitution examples intended for use by the public to copy from based on various scenarios/government systems. This was needed since at least one of the documents is required to apply for membership in the alliance. These documents include:

Declarations of Independence examples

Constitution examples

These of course are examples and there are some aspects that you may want to add or emit from these documents. Henceforth, it is important to also do your research regarding how these systems work and ensure that you get your most desired one. We plan to do these constitutions next:

  • Federal, separate head of government + head of state
    • Federal, separate head of government + head of state with the head of state having additional clauses regarding royal families and such (i.e. succession, titles, etc.)
  • Unitary, separate head of government + head of state
    • Unitary, separate head of government + head of state with the head of state having additional clauses regarding royal families and such (i.e. succession, titles, etc.)
  • Absolute monarchy
  • Bicameralism (all current examples are unicameral)

We also plan for the finishing of Chapter 2, then after Chapter 1. Additional chapters are not receiving any work due to our limited timetables. An idea of a constitution builder is being debated upon, and research is being done on what coding language or what plug-ins allow us to do it without much expense as well as making it easy to use.

We hope that you enjoy what we have so far, and consider checking the project at a later date when more content has been added. Feel free to give any questions, feedback, or point out an error in this thread, through our Discord accounts (Jayden Lycon @ EndQuote#2696; Logan Ross @ Aenöpia#7843) or through the Discord server. We do many projects like our video election graphics, GreenCities subsidies, Capstone Tribune and Factbook and we’ll love to have you apart of our team!

SEE ALSO: Guide to hosting parliamentary sessions (applies to Cupertino Alliance only but can be adapted)

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